7th Grade Vaccinations

Dear Parent/Guardian:
This is a reminder for all 7th grade students:
We must have a current immunization certificate on file for your child. Unless your child has a medical exemption or a religious exemption, he/she must receive the necessary immunizations before September 7, 2021. We will need the official shot form (State of Tennessee CERTIFICATE OF IMMUNIZATION) for school records. This form must be signed or stamped by the healthcare provider.
Students entering 7th Grade are required to have a TDAP booster
Once your child has received the necessary immunizations, the State of Tennessee CERTIFICATE OF IMMUNIZATION will be provided by the clinic that administered them.
Your child must have these immunizations by September 7, 2021, or he/she will NOT be allowed to return to school until they are in compliance with the state law.
In the event that your child is unable to get an appointment with their physician prior to the September 7, 2021 deadline, please bring an appointment card from the physician. Thank you all and we hope you are enjoying your break!